Who is Mister AnderSiN
“I was a kid who was struggling to read and then I discovered comics via a cartoon Pilot for X-Men. At the time, unbeknownst to me, I was struggling due to dyslexia that had gone undiagnosed my entire life to the point, 11 years. Sounds like a little bit of time but when measured against the damage that can be done missing that it was not the finest moment for the NYC Board of Ed. I was at a point where I could not read at a 1st-grade level.“
“Once I saw this Pilot of FREAKS, and feeling ostracized myself for various reasons, I searched out the X-Men and it would have to be done in the pages of comics. So using a Dictionary on one side of a table and comic on the other I taught myself to read one word at a time. My reading comprehension test scores jumped in an almost spider bite sudden transformation way, going from way below average to Technical Books and Scholar works, no kidding. They actually wanted to retest me, and then for next year’s test I scored higher and put that doubt to bed.“
“That was The POWER of COMICS and the ability to inspire a child. I do not know what I would have wound up in life without comics, no joke. They inspired me to learn and got me to do something that was hard to accomplish but clearly, the right motivation proved little is impossible. I still have issues with missing educational blocks due to how I was treated and always joke I will learn phonics with my son when it’s his time to learn it.”
“That step of using comics to learn to read made my life better. I was just some dumb kid from Queens NYC who was called stupid by teaches and suddenly I wasn’t. Comics were a kind of super source of power for me. One I know brag about with my Comic in KIDS HANDS Movement ( Like the Facebook Page to follow along and Join us at a panel) and preach how Comic can inspire children to read and learn.”
“So I owe comics for my ability to read and all of my accomplishments of life. I pay that back by being an ADVOCATE for Comics and through Comic Book ADVOCATES.com have ADVOCATED for thousands of creators and in some ways changed things I hope for the better with ADVOCATING tool like Backer Pause that teaches Creators about the Attentions spans of people watching their Crowdfunding Videos.“
“ I became a comic book creator who as my Tagline Reads: ‘Mr. AnderSiN is the UNBOXABLE, UNCANNY, COMiX ADVOCATE who will tempt you with his Tales of FETISH MONSTERS and More.’ I am also a Proud Partner of Comics that will be building a Library for INDEE Comics Creators to be part of Called The Continuum, a series where we have creators submit their works in short story form to build on the biggest INDEE collection of stories ever attempted. “
“I am at heart a Comic Book Fan. I am proud of all things I created and being able to ADVOCATE for fellow creators but my biggest accomplishment comes from being a Dad and watching my son Jaxx ( who has a Comic about him Called CatDad & SUPERMOM, an EleFart Never forgets, published by Scoot Comics under Scout Comics. ) overcome the hurdles of Autism. That ability to help him comes from my experiences with ADHD, Dyslexia and learning to Read via comics. Without any of that I would not be able to, not just help, but understand the hurdles and have the ability to work with him to accomplish learning the abilities that he will need in life. And Yes I use comics to inspire him and it is working as he now asks to have books and comics read to him instead of ripping them apart. Watching me create his comic-inspired him to respect all written words.“-Rob AnderSiN
Mister AnderSiN is The UNBOXABLE ADVOCATING CREATOR who is the Devilish UNDERGROUND Comic Book Creator who will tempt you with his tales. He has not only Advocates for his Fellow Comic Book Creators with ComicBookADVOCATES.com but also for those with Fetishes by telling a powerful story titled Barbara UNLEASHEDabout The Humanity within those lucky enough to have fetishes. Creator of Both Independent Comics and UNDERGROUND COMIX (Easily followed on BarbaraUnleashed.com.)
All of what Mister AnderSiN does is based on His Love for Comics & him Owing Comics his ability to Read and giving him an Escape from the Real World that he hopes to offer to his Readers.
Mr. AnderSiN shamelessly promotes the idea that people with Fetishes are not the Hollywood cutouts they are portrayed to be and in fact they are so much more both on the Comic Con Highway all across the East Coast and on the Digital UNIVERSE. Barbara Unleashed is a young woman Journey through the NYC UNDERGROUND and is at its core is A Story about the characters’ intimate journey with her sexuality and a world that won’t approve of her.
But remember he is the UNBOXABLE one and with has Created a Tales about MONSTERS who are actually human with genetic Disorders and are THE victims OF Hollywood’s misrepresentation of their families’ genetic curses.
His ADVOCATING side Turns on High GEAR with the ADVOCATOR project which is best Described as the PU PU PLATER of Indie COMICS. Banding together with other creators and given merely 4 pages to win you over to their bigger universes the ADVOCATOR is a much different project Indeed.
Comic Book ADVOCATES YouTube Channel
Interview With Rob Andersin Creator of Written Sins and Co-Creator of Fetish Babies-2
The Writer of Jaxx the Andersin Answers 7 Deadly Kickstarter Questions
Rob Andersin Faces The 7 Deadly Questions
Find his Comics at WeaReCOMiX.com
and on FACEBOOK by clicking here
He has his own Comic imprint with WRITTEN SINS COMICS (WrittenSiNs.com) and a Website about him at MrAnderSiN.com.
But Mr. AnderSiN will tell you he is most proud of being a good Father, Brother, Uncle, and Freind to those he cares for.
Wanna know more than find him on social Media Below and Explore the Life if the UNBOXABLE ADVOCATING CREATOR!
and Now
Listed in Alphabetic order, all titles are also hyper Links to the home page of the title. Just click & a new window will open.
The ADVOCATiNG YouTube-Channel

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